Nico & Nathan

Cinematic Drama

Inspired by true events, “Nico & Nathan” begins during the dawn of World War II, as a tough streetwise Brooklyn Italian teenager finds the unlikeliest of bonds with a musical protégé - the teenaged son of Polish immigrants - and discovers on the beaches of Normandy during the D-Day invasions, an unexpected and taboo love that would even outlast death. This story, which follows the lead character from his teenaged years in the 1940’s all the way through his death 60 years later, filled with the kinds of powerful and moving characters that are so well favored by Academy Award voters, could have the same wide demographic impact of “Brokeback Mountain”. Fans of the Nico & Nathan screenplay have been quite vocal in their praise that this far beyond just a gay love story, but that it’s a universally human story of family, friendship, devotion, forgiveness and love, that shows us how, with time and understanding, these things can transcend what divides us.

WGA Registration #: 1149834